Assalamualaikum.... Sometimes the explanation without in the underlying evidence that real. People will not believ. There for we need a proof, for example with we provide evidence in the from of photos taken of by camera. Here will display the photo expalanation…. 😊😃 . BORNEO BUSINES ICON Location : Sul ambawang kuala, Ambawang River, Kubu raya regency, West Kalimantan 78241 [ENGLISH] Borneo business icon locted Central Busines Destrict (CBD) international traffic west Kalimantan. Borneo Busines Icon in the short term BBI, located Borneo Busines Icon very strategic. BBI is trading in addition, BBI also became the icon of the CBD, although still in the development stage but BBI in the wafe of the very complete. And BBI will also be in development shopping mall, hotel, shops, and other. [INDONESIA] ...