answers daily task

Answers task poin two :

1.       Pursuit  (mengejar)
2.       Required (memerlukan
3.       Switching (pengganti)
4.       Commonly (biasanya)
5.       Foundation (kuliah dasar)
6.       Priorse (sebelumnya)
7.       Extremely (terlalu)
8.       Wide  ( menyebar luas)
9.       Bachelor (sarjana)
10.   Multiple ( banyak bagian)

Answer task poin three :


I.                    Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage
1.       Degree
c. A qualification given to student after she/he has completed her/his studies in
 higher education
2.       Course
b. A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification
                  3.   Switch
                              a. change
                  4.      Excel
                              b. To show superiority

        II.          Decide wheter these statements are true(T) OR false (F). correct the false one

1.       the united state, children began their primary school at the age of the seven    (F)
2.       Another name for middle school is junior high school    (T)
3.       In Students who finish grade 12 will receive a diploma       (T)
4.       A community collage is four-year collage    (F)
5.       A student usually decides on his/her major as soon as he/she graduates from high school (F)
6.       Many students choose  to take their prerequisite course at a four-year collage    (F)
7.       A major is an academic discipline ti whice an undergraduate student collage        (T)
8.       The American education system is a very rigid system      (F)

III.                Provide brief answers to the following question
1.       What is an associate of Art  (AA) ?
A degree when students choose to study at a community collage in order to complete the first two years of prere quisite.
2.       Name five common prerequisite course !
Literature, science, the social sciences, the arts, and history.
3.       Provide an example of a major  !
Science of law, economic defelopment ,education of chemistry, and education of english language.
4.       What is the name of the degree awarded to student who pass their four –year collage education ?
A bachelor’s .

Answer task poin four :

IV.                Reading discution (Group work)
Output of  discussion is :
1.       Nuranisa
2.       Juliaherling
3.       Waslhina
4.       Hosnatul mauliah

1.       How is the collage/university system in the U.S different from the collage/university system in Indonesia ?
The deference between college/university system in the U.S Indonesia is student in U.S will earn an transfer degree and transfer to a four years only university or collage mean while the program for example bachelor degree, they will directly study until earn the bachelor degree without achived the AA the another on is the characteristic of American higner education that let the students can change the major multiple times and very flexible but in Indonesia it’s a very rigid system.
2.       Whice one do you prefer: to decide on your major early in your collage year or later?
I prefer to choose major in early collage to the future more easly.
3.       What major will you choose for collage and why ?                                                               I will choose the economic majir because the economic science is interesting  major and proven. After graduate, bachelor or economic science slightly easy to find a job.
4.       What do you think can be improved from the collage/university system in Indonesia?
Allawed to the change the major multiple times when the students discoover a sifferent field that they excel in or enjoy.


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