answers daily task three levels of government


I.                    Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage
1.       Official
c. People oppointed or electedto an office, especially as representatives of an organization or government department .

2.       Mayor
a. An official in charge of a government department.

                  3.    Snators
a. members of a senate. 

                  4.    Entrust
                        b. to put (something) into someone’s care or protection.

                  5.     Interest
            b. a share or a right in the ownership of a property in a commercial or financial  undertaking.

        II.          Decide wheter these statements are true(T) OR false (F). correct the false one 

1.       All Americans can vote regardless of their age    (F).
2.       Local government is in charge of wraiting and enforcing laws for members of its community     (F).
3.       State government protect the health and safety of state citizens     (T).
4.       Unlike local government, state government can print money    (F)
5.       The federal government has the authority to declare war on another country  (T).

III.                Short answer
1.       Name the three levels of government in the united state!
Local, state, and federal.

2.       According to the text, what is the task of a mayor an city council member ?
Pass the laws.

3.       What are the two issues protected by the state department ?
The health and safety.

4.       Who is the head of state and the head of government of the united states?
President, senators, and representative.

5.       Name three things that the federal government can do but other levels cannot ?
it can print money, it can negotiate with other countries , and it can declare war on other countries.

Answer task poin four :

IV.                Reading discution (Group work)
Output of  discussion is :
1.       Nuranisa (answer number 2)
2.       Juliaherling
3.       Waslhina
4.       Hosnatul mauliah

1.       How many levels of government does Indonesia have? Mention each one of them!!
There are three levels of government in  indonesia, that is Legislative (DPR,DPD, & MPR), Executive (president, & vice president), and  Yudictive (MK,MA, & KY) .

2.       How many states do the U.S have? Together with your group members, write each of the name?
there are fifty sates in the U.S that is Colombia, Chicago, Haway, Los Angeles , Texas, Florida, New York, and others.

3.       How many provinces do Indonesia have? Make a list of  the provinces in Indonesia?

4.       With your group members, create  a short presentation to explain about the differences between the U.S government and the Indonesia government!


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