PROLOG: one day in the resto there are two bestfriend long time no see 

I           : Hii, are you Nisa?
N         : Yes, sorry who are you?
I           : I’m Igo your classmate at the senior highschool
N         : Ohh Igo, long time no see, You looks different now. How are you?
I           : I’m fine Nisa. and you?
N         : I’m fine too, I heard after you graduate at senior highschool you get a scholarship to        England?
I           : Yes, i got it. How about you college Nisa?
N         : Now i go to college at Tanjungpura University. I majored in Economics here.
I           : Wow that is a very good course, I hope your lecture is fine
N         : Thank you Igo. While we talking better we order the food first?
I           : Okay.. let me see the menu first, hmm i want to order Pecel Ayam and Mango Juice.         It is my favorite menu, and Nisa what do you want to order?
N         : Hmm think i want to order Fried Rice and Apple Juice, Igo what are you doing in             here now?
I           : Now im on holiday, yesterday i just got back from Lemukutan Island
N         : Wow it must be exiciting. What do you think about Lemukutan Island?
I           : I think Lemukutan Island is very nice and also the underwater scenery is very                    beautiful.
N         : Whether many tourist there?
I           : Yes, there are so many tourist coming, because i think the Lemukutan Island is very          interesting for tourist to visit.
N         : Oh... next time i want to vacation there too.
I           : I’m sure you will not regret it if you vacationing there Nisa. hmm.. by the way what          your plan after graduate from college Nisa?
N         : I want to work as an Tax Consultant, and you?
I           : It’s a really cool job, i hope your dream achieved. I want to be a Lecturer
N         : What do you want to work as a Lecturer?
I           : Because being a lecturer in my opinion is very interesting and exciting. Hm sory                 Nisa i guess i have to go now because my friend is waiting for me. I will pay your              order.... see you next time Nisa
N         : Okay see you. Thank you Igo
I           : Okay Nisa.


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