Friends are the most trust people, who can be invited stories about our problems, which is when we need or even when we do not need a friend there beside us to accompany us. A true friend is hard to find or find, because looking for the true friend is really very difficult.
A friend is someone we know and someone we can meet at a certain time or not forever we meet. Finding friends is easy even very easy, we just meet people we do not know, then invited introduce, when he knew then he can we consider as a friend.

I have 7 best friend in Kalimantan name is Ardi Agustian, Laode Arman Saipura, Chrisman Halawa, Imam, Athahirah Muhamad Zamil, Zahratul Wardiyah, and Raine Ramdhania Mukhtar. We come from different regions there from Bengkulu, Sulawesi, Nias, East Java, Sabang, NTT, and I come from Banten. 

We were brought together because of scholarship from Kemenristekdikti which is a scholarship for students coming from 3T area and we are placed at the Tanjungpura University. At first we did not know each other but after we know the list of names that escaped at the Tanjungpura University through scholarship from kemenritekdikti we immediately seek contact. That's where we started communicating with each other, starting from our departure to departure and so on, we went to Borneo on July 18 2017😗, and the next day we met at the Student Academic Bureau (BAK) and that's where we asked Background each…



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